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Seven Western States Finalize Drought Contingency Plan

The below-linked (lengthy) article in today's Denver Post discusses the situation which led Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California to adopt a "voluntary landmark plan to share the burden of voluntarily using less water, as growing cities and warming temperatures deplete the supply for 40 million people"; this, so as to avoid mandatory federal emergency measures if the western water shortage continues to escalate.

Unfortunately, the article didn't seem to discuss in any detail what the "drought plan" contained.
The closest thing I could find was that the Colorado plan "creates incentives for conservation".

As I've said before, I think a BIG first step would be to require all new construction homes to have re-circulating hot water heaters. (I waste an awfully lot of water every time I turn on the hot water spigot in our house).

Seven Western States Adopt Drought Contingency Plan


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