USNA Cancel Culture Posted on 10/6/2020 at 17:46:20 by Bill Hoover
Anybody heard about this?
US Naval Academy’s Cancel Culture Targeted the Son of Two LA Police Dept Officers for Expulsion
The below listed article is rather upsetting; it would be a violation of First and Fifth Amendments if true; USNA and the Superintendent are being charged in a law suit. As a result of the Superintendent’s recent actions, USNA has been consistently receiving bad press. The Naval Academy’s very aggressive support for Black Lives Matter Marxist is rather shocking, Black Lives Matter Marxist philosophy is being force fed into the curriculum a the US Naval Academy by very specific orders of the Superintendent and the Commandant of the US Naval Academy. They have instituted Critical Race Theory in the Naval Leadership curriculum, that is in violation of President Trump’s order to cease and desist from the ongoing Wok indoctrination of Critical Race Theory of US military personnel in the US Armed Forces and of government employees in the US Government Civil Service Bureaucracy in all 50 states.
The Commandant’s 14 year old daughter sent the following extraordinary social media posts which, among other things, identifies herself with ACAB (“All Cops Are Bastards”), she calls for the abolishment of ICE, endorses Antifa, retweets a post by the ANTIFA hacker cell Anonymous that “Mango Mussolini” (the President) can go f*** himself, and retweets another post that says “f*** the police.” One of her followers is her father, the Commandant of the Naval Academy; one wonders what she had been hearing over the last 4 years, each evening, around the dinner table.
The Commandant also had a Commandant’s Call [a gathering of the entire Brigade of Midshipmen for the purposes of disseminating information determined important by the Command] in which he recited the BLM Marxist anti-racist credo (BLM continues to have very close ties with Communist China and the three founders are avowed Marxists, which they proudly post on the Internet for all their radical Marxists followers to see). The Commandant infirmed the Brigade of Midshipmen that it was not enough to “not be racist;” all Midshipmen had to be “anti-racist” and actively speak out against racism.
The Commandant and the Superintendent at USNA, should investigate an organization and its policies before they tell Midshipmen, in their Naval Leadership Course, the policies they should emulate. Sixty years ago, there was no doubt who Midshipmen role models were referred to in their Naval Leadership Course--------they weren’t hard core Marxists supported by Communist China, who were actually leading violent riots, looting, killing police officers and perpetrating anarchy in 300 + Sanctuary Cities.
Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt USN(Ret)/Former FBI
Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184
San Diego, CA 92108