The Lost Islands

For the loss of one father, I've gained another. (Tyr)

Standing on shaky legs, a pale mare eyed the heap of flesh on the ground in front of her. The red body looked similar to her own mothers, but Rosaliana knew it was not Asphara. Before her lay a child, one that had not made it through the full term of its gestation and lay on the ground a heap of mismatched parts. Rosaliana could not take her eyes off of the thing, but her shaking body was beginning to shatter like a leaf and soon enough she was stumbling away from the broken mess behind her and heaving her body towards the edge of the cliffs.

Each step she took was a struggle, leaving Rosaliana a mess of tears, blood, and fluids. Her body ached and her mind fell into a dark haze, not noticing a single thing in front of her. Her blue eyes were glazed over with fear and panic, those two emotions making each step she took even more dangerous. The edge of the Ridge was in sight, her blue eyes latching onto the blue of the ocean. She could hear the gentle shuffle of the ocean on the sands, but nothing she could have done before to ground herself seemed to be working in this moment.

Working her lower jaw as a scream filled her lungs, Rosaliana continued forward until her hooves were barely a hair's breadth away from the crumbling stones. She could feel the ground give out under her, but Rosaliana did not let that stop her forward movement until one hoof hit nothing. As if the fact she could fall called her awake, Rosaliana jerked back just enough to keep her body from taking that ever deadly drop. Her black forelock brushed against her forehead and her ears tipped forward, but her hooves no longer moved. Her long tail drug the ground behind her before the scream she had been holding in before finally escaped.

Screaming to the ocean and its waves, Rosaliana took in many a shaking breath before she fell. Her average sized body crumpled onto the soil at her hooves as she heard a returning cry. Her mother was near, but Rosaliana did not want to be with just Asphara. Her pain was to strong as she tucked her head against her legs and hid her tear stained cheeks from the sun that was shining down on her. She could hear the world now and it was starting to become to much. She could feel the ocean in her veins, the jungle in her bones. She wanted to become one with the dense territory she lived, but she could not make herself do that.

Hearing hooves after a bit of time, Rosaliana took a shuddering breath as she pulled in the salty air around her. Snot clogged her nostrils and blood faintly slid from her split lip. Her blue eyes flicked over to her red mother who was swollen with her third child. Rosaliana was jealous of Asphara in that moment. It was the simple fact of her mother had yet to lose a child, but her own first born was nothing more than a sack of bones and blood. It made her want to scream more, but all that hatred and jealousy left her system when Asphara nuzzled her and whispered kind words.

“You are safe my child.” Asphara whispered, the five year old mare having done her bes to take care of the pain in that moment. Rosaliana had heard the whinny for Tyr, but she did not let it register as she tucked her head against her mothers chest. She hated this, all of it, but she would survive she guessed. Her mother had come from a far different place and lived here on the Ridge for three years. It was a nice little taste of faith and it had her calming down enough to rest while they wiated for her father to come and hopefully help her more than her mothers faintly soothing words could.

mare | 16hhs | bay dun sabino | of the ridge


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