At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Loyal Til Death

The brute’s smile faded slightly as the fae spoke. Though Kal had been lucky with the pack he had chosen this time around, he had surely met his fair share of rotten lupines. Blossom Forest was the home to the likes of a variety of different lupines. The kind and the cruel, the good and the evil, the young and the old, the strong and the weak. “I too hope that you meet others like me… but I do share this warning with you. Do not assume that all will be like me. There are plenty of lupines here that are rotten or will take advantage of you. Please take care. ” His warning was heartfelt. He wished dearly that no danger or harm would come to the fae before him. Hopefully her future was lain upon a clear path; one that wasn’t wrought with danger.

The brute watched as the fae glanced upwards, no doubt following where his gaze had so often strayed to. He glanced upwards… yes, the wind was still holding the storm at bay. He wished that the sun would return… although it was warm enough, the return of sunlight would be welcomed. The fae yawned, and Kalgalath found his own maw opening in response.

After his laughter attack, Leila spoke again, threatening that she could have shortened his nickname to ‘gal’. Kalgalath scowled at Leila, his eyes narrowing showing his dislike, but his kissers broke into a smile. He knew that she was only teasing him, poking fun at his sense of man-hood. “Kal-pal… yes. I suppose I can live with Kal-pal, as long as you swear to not share your ideas to call me ‘gal’ to anyone ever. They shall think me soft and girly!” The greyish brute chuckled, doubting that she would agree to such terms. The playfulness that was such a huge part of her personality would probably not allow it. The brute sighed, knowing that Kong would never let it go if he heard such a nickname. The brute smiled as the fae giggled, his auditories swiveling toward her as she mentioned that she herself had never had a nickname. “Well you, unlike me, do not have a rather long and uncommon name that lupines tend to mess up. Leila is short and sweet. A nickname is not needed when you have such a beautiful name that suits you.” The brute fell silent once again.

Kalgalath’s spiel about his past led to her inquiring more about the packs that existed in Blossom Forest. The brute chuckled before answering her question. “There are ten packs total in Blossom Forest… meaning that you have a lot of research ahead of you, should you ever choice to join a pack. I would suggest you stay far away from Malignant Felicity and Abendrot. They are more of the likes of dungeons and hell-holes than of packs.” The brute shuddered at the thought of those two dark places, glad that he had never been forced to travel to either of them. Kalgalath wished that the fae would heed his warning and stay far away from those two dark places; they would darken her soul and strip her of the playfulness that was so essential to her sense of being. “Wander not near their boundaries or they shall steal you away and you will never escape.


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