At Leisure Lake the sun is always shining and only a few stray clouds roam the open sky; paradise is the one word that really describes it. This beautiful lake is clean and refreshing, the very best place to swim and fish. Pups are known to play here while older wolves watch at the side, engaged in their own activities.


Creeping Forward

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Her dark green orbs took in the brute as he sat by the lake’s edge, and a soft whine emitted from her tiny maw as the liquid continued to lap at his feet. The brute focused his own orbs upon the fae. See. That wasn’t so bad now was it? The faeling had to admit that the water had caused her no pain, but she could not be sure that the body of liquid had not just wanted to fill her with a feeling of false security. The brute was sitting straight up, stiffly, when he started to talk to the fae, commanding her to approach him. As Apollonia crawled slowly toward the small brute, she attempted to bite back and silent the whimpers that were itching to release themselves from her maw, for the brute had continued to speak, telling of some of his past.

A Beta, sir? I…” The faeling stopped crawling toward the brute for a moment wracking her brain once more, trying to pry into the memories that were lost somewhere in her brain. The word was a rank… but aside from that, the word had no meaning to her – no face, no name, no dear memories. “…it is a rank. But that is all I know, sir.” Lycaon had continued talking, and Apollonia remained still, focusing upon his words. He spoke of striking fear down, laughing in the face of danger… I would not be the wolf I am today if I let silly things get the better of me. Yes you nearly died but you didn’t so be thankful for that second chance. Now turn your little butt around and face that water. It will not hurt you now go.

Apollonia felt her body start to tremble once more. Had drinking from the lake not been enough for the brute? It had been the first time that she had approached any large body of water since she awoken and found herself in the rapids. But now the brute wanted her to approach the lake once more? Fear burned its way through her tiny bodice. She weighed the options that she had. She could leave now – run away from the brute. Find a small hollow and hide in there for a few days until the brute lost interest (if he was even truly interested in trying to help her). Or she could do as the brute demanded, and hope that he would continue to help her restart her life.

The tiny pup began her forward crawl toward the lake once more, deciding that she was not worthy of regaining her lost memories if she could not even be thankful that she was still alive. And so she put her trust in the tall brute that remained by the water’s edge. She bit back the cries, and tried to slowly raise her bodice away from the gravel as she approached the lake, though she found that her limbs trembled from fear as she tried to heighten herself. Her paws slowly strided her closer to the brute, until she stood before him, almost falling to the ground she was shaking so much. Her forest orbs glanced upward at the brute. “What do I do, Mister Lycaon?

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||Apollonia|| ||No Mate|| ||No Pack|| ||Pup|| ||*Azura*||


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