Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!


Mau trotted down the river bank, her short tail swishing. A very large feline trotted behind her, though his steps were about 3 or 4 of hers, so he was going much slower. Sometimes she rode upon Tank's back, but the ocelot liked to walk as well. She had the normal colouration for her species, tan with black and brown markings. Tank, her Tigre, was a dusty brown with reddish points. He was large and lumbering, and the two made quite the interesting pair. Mau was a healer, well, an aspiring one at least. She had some basic knowledge about what herbs to use for what, but she was by no means an expert. She could solve simple ailments. A cold, a bruise or a small cut, something along those lines. She was travelling to the gang named Haven to further her training, actually. Tank was an obedient assistant, carrying what little possessions she had. A few pelts, a couple of satchels with meager ingredients. Perhaps a few small prey animals for herself, Tank usually caught the bigger prey for him to eat.

Mau was a bit paranoid about things, though she was extremely enigmatic and friendly, she was worrisome and easily anxious. She liked her overly cautious nature... it caused her to double check things, on more then one occasion she had almost used the wrong herb! It had almost been a disaster. Almost. But she had double checked and solved the to-be calamity before it had even happened. She was getting better at distinguishing herbs, though, by scent if they looked too similar. At one point they had all just been leaves to her, but now she realised just how much potential they had. She had spent some time in a gang before and had gotten nothing done, really, and so she had left, becoming nomadic once more... It was a good enough live, though during the winter it became a bit harder. Soon she would arrive at Haven, though.

"There's someone up ahead," Tank rumbled, and Mau looked up sharply.

"There is!" she gasped, increasing her pace a bit to catch up to the strange wolf. Paranoid as she was about her herbs, with strangers it was a different story. She liked making friends far too much. "Hello, stranger! What brings you to the river on this fine winter day?" Mau said cheerily, a bright smile upon her face, while Tank waited a little way away in case things went south.

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