"Lack of Evidence"

One of the reasons we lack evidence in at least Southern New England is that reports are being taken by wildlife agencies and dismissed. They are in many cases short staffed, and get a LOT of misidentifications and false reports. However many are simply being told no, they aren't here, and hung up on. The state of RI wildlife got caught actively suppressing and ignoring hard evidence at two sites. They went out and quickly labeled them "bobcats". In one case there was a deer cache found. They claimed the deer had been hit by a car and then simply dragged there. This despite the fact that eye witnesses reported a VERY large cat with a long tail there. There was a clear drag path that turns out was from a garden behind a house. The resident heard the cat drag the animal to where they found the cache. Turns out there was no car, the deer was attacked and killed cougar style, and dragged by the neck, with its head and shoulders OFF THE GROUND, to where the cache was found. This was all discovered after the Environmental Police there responded amid residents complaining about the conclusion of the wildlife folks. The deer was located, and measurements were made of the wounds, and the location of them. To make a long story short, several experts weighed in outside the agency, and this was a confirmed cougar kill. AND there was a second a few months apart from this with the same result. Clearly the wildlife agency either ignored, concealed, or just didn't properly investigate the evidence. Again, ASSUMPTIONS were made that it was killed by a car, despite no evidence on the deer of that, and no report of a deer strike. Without going into any accusatory mode, there have been several other incidents in the other states where evidence was likely not treated properly, or even possibly hidden. This hampers serious research. That is why we are grateful to Katchaya, the Cougars of the Valley, and others for hosting boards like this one.


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