Re(2): (no subject)

Well that's what we do during winter. We don't realy on agencies for squat, you know as well as we do they are of little help. They now admit after seeing various evidence that's floating around that "there area likely a few passing through", as they stated to the press recently, VS "they aren't here all these people are nuts". We are doing exactly what you are mentioning. We go to the towns in the "hotspots", where the reports have been historically, and instruct. Those areas coincide with Clark U's study on available cougar habitat. We had one good track found last winter late, in one patch of snow left on a mountain. Unfortunately, no more snow, hard ground, no more tracks. The hunt is well underway now that we have good snow cover. Maybe too much even. The issue we have with deer kills is that if they aren't found soon after the cougar takes it down, scavengers such as coyotes rip it all apart and destroy vital evidence. But scat is possible at feed sites too as you know. You have a lot of positive suggestions though, thanks.


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