Re(4): Delayed ReplyRe(1): Cougars from South Dakota

Ahh Male Dispersers from South Dakota... And you proved that how? And how do you not know there are females in the UP? Well Ok, the DNA "closest match" is the South Dakota Cougars. Well that's because that's where the most samples are from. And gee, Native American Archaeological DNA is also a match. Also many cats now in the three provinces in Southern Canada. Its all "North American Cougar". If you can sit there and say up to 800 Cougars in Southern Canada are all male dispersers from South Dakota, you need to learn a bit about DNA, and common sense. And sure, one walked to CT, after stopping in Wisconsin, Upstate New York, the quabbin, and of course Matanuck in Rhode Island! That story belongs in the Grimms Fairy Tales book.


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