Sightings without Evidence IP: Posted on February 17, 2015 at 06:44:43 PM by weather01089
"1. Sightings without evidence mean nothing."
In recent postings you suggested we should not bother looking for evidence but should focus on persuading biologists to see things our (your) way. We are not going to take your advice for obvious reasons. This is just one example. Sightings are worthless without evidence? But don’t look for proof? Come to think of it, that's what you are doing... not accepting eyewitnesses observations but then not finding any proof. And this is an organization that you claim was “built to find evidence”. But for unknown reasons you haven’t found any yet. Lots of other people have though. In all the NE states. And if you reject that challenge in New England, try Quebec or New Brunswick where even you have acknowledged they are present. They have cougars in eastern Canada in all four provinces. Take your pick. You might lucky and find a female cat. That’s where your California tracking skills should come in handy. I must ask why haven't you employed your legendary tracking ability in nearby Canadian Provinces? There is no doubt pumas are there. It’s not much of a drive from New York. Gauthier and Bertrand found them. You claim you can find them in 6 hours or less without any problems. We’ll take you up on that offer. You could make that trip that in single weekend without much expense and be back in time for dimmer Sunday night. What say you now Mr. President?
2. When in 2011 were the tracks seen at Quabbin? Were they photographed. If so, where can I see them?
Update on this, we did get a response. School in session and you haven’t done your homework again. The tracks were discovered by hikers and officials looked at them but conveniently didn’t take any photos because they didn’t have a camera. They didn’t pour casts because they claimed the tracks melted quickly. If you believe that, contact me later.... I’ve got a great investment opportunity in New York Bridges you might be interested in.