Traydon River

This river is famously known for its fish!

odd.times (for Mau)

If she was to recall what had happened in her life, it would most likely end in a breakdown. Even the past few months had been hectic. If she was honest, though, her brother's death didn't come as a surprise to her, really. It may have been a shock to her niece, of course, and it still would be, but she had known deep down, ever since Firethrust's mate had died giving birth, he was destined to go downhill. Her predictions were practically confirmed when he started talking to himself and having frequent fits, but she knew all she could do was watch. Even though Flame had always had a way with herbs, no plant could save her brother's mind. She still hated that all she could do was stand around and wait for his suffering to be over.

But as her light pawsteps took her across the border of Coral Flower Pack, the sweet smell drifting through her scent glands, Flame Flower realised that was not what she was most focused on. Maybe it should be, being fresh in her mind, but she had expected it. This, however, she had not expected. With the shift in leaderships, word had gotten around to her that Wind Gale had a new leader. One that Flame knew, oh so well, but one that didn't have a clue who she really was. The grey and red adult felt bad for smothering Talaz with lies, but it was for her own safety. Only, she knew that it would have to be told soon, or else found out. Maybe, after the surprise passes, Talaz might be happy, happy that she was not so alone. But how Flame might come to finally tell her the truth, she did not know.

She shook her head. No, she should be concentrating on getting food. She hadn't eaten in days, not on purpose, and she was beginning to feel quite weak. So she slowed, coming to a stop by Traydon River, and gazed into the water, her dark green orbs scanning the water for any sign of movement. There. Her dark grey left paw shot out, and snatched a shimmering, silver fish from the water, batting it up into the air, then tipping her head back and catching it in her jaws, chewing and little then swallowing it. Now, that did taste nice.

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