Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Do You Think She Could Have Loved Me?

There are a Few Warriors Among Us


The black brute was wandering about, confused as to where he was. He had been travelling with his brother and friends, a group traveling to reclaim their old throne, to bring their leader back into power from the evil ones that had so cruelly torn their lives apart. Kili had grown up alongside his big brother, well sort of big brother. The two were twins, though Fili had been born first. Being apart from Fili was tearing Kili up. He never left his brother’s side, ever, until now. Somehow the siblings had gotten separated and it physically pained Kili to not be beside his brother. He had always been a playful wolf, sometimes hiding from his brother, but he had always known where he was. This was the first time he did not know where Fili was, and he knew Fili would be looking for him just as frantically as Kili was.

A storm was coming, the wind ruffling his thick black pelt, but the cold never bothered him and he didn’t flinch from the chilling breeze. He could see a tall mountain in the distant and it was such a large landmark that the ebony male hoped his brother would see it and have the same idea that it could be a meeting place. The brute picked up the pace, getting up to a run, his pink tongue hanging from his mouth as he began to pant from his run. Kili loved to run and he could feel everything come to life around him as he picked up his speed to a sprint, the mountain growing larger as he approached it.

Rain began to pelt down on the brute’s pelt and he knew it would freeze to his fur with how cold it was if he did not find shelter. He had now approached the base of the mountain and there was a visible cave came into sight. Kili ran for the shelter, knowing he would have to wait for the storm to end before continuing the search for his brother or he would risk freezing to death in the downpour. He only hoped that his brother had found shelter and was not stuck outside in the storm. Inside the cave was dry and he knew his body heat would soon warm the small space. He shook out his pelt, water spraying the walls of the cave before he sniffed around the den he had found, hoping it was not the home of someone who would come and drive him back into the storm, or worse try to hurt or even kill him. There were many scents in the cave and his nares sniffed powerfully, but decided that it did not belong to anyone in particular.

KIli decided to take a nap to pass the time and he lay down, curling his tail to his nose, audettes alert to anything that may come to the cave. The brute fell into a deeper sleep than he meant to, his ears going limp against his head, not alerting him to anything that may come his way, a dangerous state for a lone wolf to be in. He had not slept this deeply in a long time, had not gotten much sleep lately to be honest, which is what caused him to crash so heavily and dangerously. He did not hear the other wolf entire the cave, and luckily for him it was not someone that would hurt him, but someone that loved him. His brother did not see him at first, too distracted by warming up from the cold storm most likely. After a moment Fili did see Kili though and the red-blonde brother lay his head on Kili’s sleeping neck. The brute awoke instantly when he felt someone else touch him and he jumped up with a yelp, ashamed that he left himself in such a vulnerable position. He calmed down instantly and relief flooded through him when he saw it was Fili.

Kili leapt towards his brother, embracing him, so glad that he was safe and that they had found each other. Kili felt whole again, and nothing else mattered to him because he knew that his brother was safe and his brother was here. Fili was still damp from the storm and Kili went down to the ground again, hoping his brother would join him in the warming embrace they had been in. ”How did you find me Fili? I’m so glad you’re safe! Do you know where Thorin and the others are?” The raven colored brute leaned into his older brother’s fur, getting comfort from his brother just being back with him.


**Kili**No Mate**No Pups**No Pack**Adult**Brother of Fili **Violet


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