At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Loyal Til Death

Kalgalath could not lie and say that he was happy to be back under these particular circumstances - he needed to find his mate, the love of his life, and spent every waking hour worrying about her. He had no idea what the bitch Yayoi had in store for her, but he had tracked them back here to Blossom Forest of all places, but now his only linked to her had been through Caidir Olc… Which just happens to also be inhabited by vampires. How odd fate was, twisted and turned about into this - where in order to free Sebring from the kalaks’ grasp, he would first have to defeat the vampires, despite the fact that he was unchanged? That despite his mortality and the lack of power awoken within him, he still would have to bear the mantle of the Tempests and enter the vampire feud. But it was one he took willingly without complaint - for not only would it help him get Sebring back, but he would in the long run be helping two of his sons - both Aindreas and Vladimir, considering both of them had turned into full blown Oferwederen. And if he could help them by killing even at least a single vampire, it would be worth it. He had not been the best father - in terms of Aindreas , he did not even know he was Aindreas’ father until Aindreas was already full grown. But even despite that he had played father, or rather, guardian to him… And yet had abandoned him. And it seems that time had twisted itself around again such that Kalgalath had also abandoned Vladimir. But when he had, he knew it would be all right. Vladimir need to grow up in order to learn how to be a good ruler, and until that time came, Aindreas would hold the throne which in turn would help heal Aindreas’ mind and heart. And it all worked out…until Yayoi betrayed them all.

And so he was here now, returned, and had gathered his forces to him. Perhaps they were not directly his - they really belonged to his sons now, but he was their general and would them into the battle. He smiled as his daughter arrived, Khaleesi, Seraphina... but was surprised to see Sera without Vladimir, but he knew that his son will be a long any minute… Or rather, that both of his sons would be a long any minute. But time would wait for no one, and it was not long before the first vampire found them. Kalgalath was not as well-versed in vampires as those who lived here, and so had been surprised when the sudden sound of an approach brought with it no scent - it was that moment of hesitation, confusion, that prevented him from being able to fully pull back. It was not until Thackary was directly in his line of sight that he reared back, but instead of going directly backwards, he turned his head away, bearing his open shoulder instead. The bite of his teeth punctured his skin in a second, and then the waiting was over. The pain of daggers ripping through his flesh caused him to roar out in pain, and he yanked away, not caring how the teeth may damage his muscles - he needed to break away. But he did not go far, and instead chose to use the close proximity to his advantage. Stepping back with his right hind, he tucked in his abdominal muscles in and used the full weight of his body to whip around, his left foreclaw aiming to rake across Thackary‘s face - he hoped to blind him, or to tear long streaks in his lips so that his mouth would never close properly again. The face was full of delicate nerves, sensitive nerves, and Kal wanted to hurt him as badly as possible. Hoping to have hit his goal, perhaps turn Thackary’s face away, Kalgalath leapt off of his hindlimbs, toward Thackery, aiming to hit his left front with the intent of breaking it. His mouth was agape, and he braces his jaw to prepare for impact. A few seconds later, however, after he either hit his goal, hit somewhere else, or missed entirely, a sudden pain came over his entire body. Not pain... agony. Tempests were protected from the bite of a vampire, and although Kalgalath had Tempest blood running through his veins, it had not awoken, was not protective now. His shoulder, bleeding as it was, left hundreds of little capillaries for the poison to seep into, and seep into it. Kalgalath screamed in antagonizing pain, but nothing could lessen what he was currently feeling, like every nerve was being activated through his body in agony. And just like that, with a single bite to his shoulder, Kal had been knocked out of the rest the battle… He had his own now war to fight - to see if he would survive the vampire venom or not.


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