Bright Moon - a land sullied by mystery and the ravaging scars of a terrible fire. Abandoned as a pack land for years, the terra has been used as a gathering place for the brazen and bloodthirsty drawn there by the lingering pall of death. Yet from the ashes there comes an unordained phoenix, the rainbow hues of hope glinting in her mismatched globes. Through the obsidian drapes obscuring the scenery, she alone was able to catch the perfumed aroma of new life on the breeze and hear the sluggish streams flowing ever swifter into the morning.

Thus, with a purpose, she set out to map the incognita, discovering daily the extent of the reawakening and unearthing within herself a desire to return the landscape to its former glory. Now she stands tall as privileged Alpha of the lands, lording over the rock-strewn prairie and bountiful forests with a firm but gentle paw.

Having finally realized her deepest longing to be a queen, Satowra is focused solely on the revival and maintenance of the Bright Moon Pack. Her question to each prospective warrior that comes to the border is simple:

"Do you have what it takes?"



Be careful of what you touch lest the grave be what you lust

It had been months since she had seen the king, and good riddance. Like the good soldier that she was, she had spent her time patrolling the boundaries, walking the entire length of the rocky crags at least once per week to ensure that the boundary‘s remained strong, and to check for the scent of new strangers… But very few came. The only one of note was that of the slut the king had taken up with months ago… And Athene had picked up on multiple other scents that had crossed the boundary with her… Her pups? Had she born pups by Kershov, and now was joining the pack as a regular staple in his diet? The lessons taught to Athene during her upbringing said that this female‘s pups were of the same year as her own, and thus should be included in the trial as they had related parentage… But they had no connection to her, and so she could not force the issue. But she could sulk, and for the first month or so, that was exactly what she had done. Athene had stopped visiting Sabelle... Her training for herself had tapered off and she had focused on her two pups instead - after all, their birthday was not so far away, and they would have to compete in the Trial before then. To be fair, the training she was supplying to them was a little… One sided, heavy on the warrior training and lax on everything else. Luckily, Macaria had agreed to teach them healing… But there was no spiritual expert, no guardians, no hunters… Of course, the hunting Athene could teach with a decent amount of excellency and expertise, but she knew her pups would never be given all the choices that she had been. They would only have two, maybe three or so careers to choose from, and focus on. And this next week? They had to decide their answer.

And perhaps because it was so close to the end, to that time, that Athene had finally regained her focus. It was true that Athene was still angry with the king – he had seemed to toss around the notion of emotions with her, but then had dashed it all away, ruining it by showing up with the scent and juices of another upon him. If he had simply wanted to participate in the production of pups, he should have said that instead of complicating everything. Athene would have taken him gladly, as a strong brute able to produce strong pumps. But no, his large muscular paws had danced quite delicately on the situation, had fooled the lass… And it was in the uncertainty of the current he was pulling her down that Athene had collapsed. But no longer – she would regress to her current time. She had always preferred a strict regime, and held herself and her own pups to it… When had she forgotten that? So in the last few days, she had returned to it herself - her petty days of mourning was gone. In its place was a sense of rebirth, and so she restarted her training. It was not that she ever really got out of shape… But she had certainly been slacking. There was a little extra curve to her hips, fluff around her ribs where once there had only been muscle. There was a little more dip in her waist, from muscle atrophy from disuse from her laziness. And perhaps she looked more feminine now… But that had never been what she had aimed for. Although she was beautiful, that meant nothing to her - not as much as her renowned ability and prowess in battle.

And then there had come the call. Had Kershov ever really called a meeting, aside from that first one when he had first claimed the territory? A rueful smile danced across her lips as she remembered the tongue lashing she had given Kari… The maned wolf had never really been held in high regard in Athene‘s eyes. At any rate, back to what was at hand - perhaps Kershov would be taking stock of his flock - with his absence, how could he really know who was here and who was not? Speaking of the she-devil Kari, Athene had not really seen her at all, nor come across her scent. Not that she was really complaining… But it would mean that there would be no chance to lash out at her again… A disappointment indeed. Athene rose to her limbs and padded over her to her two pups. They were no longer small balls of fluff, their puppy fur was nearly all gone, and they had started to gain some height and soft tone. Without a word, she nuzzled each of them briefly before insistently nudging them awake. Patiently, she waited for their eyes to find hers, and then gestured toward the mouth of their den. If they asked any questions, she would remain silent. As their teacher, they were expected to follow her, knowing that answers would come in time. Once, she would reprimand them for questioning her at all, but after seeing how beautifully Sabelle turned out, Athene saw that there may be some merit to asking questions for clarification purposes, or perhaps to find out a better way of doing things. But that did not mean that she gave her answers freely or immediately - no, instead she withheld them until she saw fit to give them answers. After all, in life there was very rarely a time when instant gratification was available.

Together, the trio set off at a trot toward the interior of the pack. Athene‘s gait was steady, but slow enough that she knew the pups would keep up, although from time to time the young two likely would need to break into a lope to catch up the few strides they held behind. And though she was constantly judging them, she was proud of them both. She had no idea which would win the trials, and would be proud no matter what, no matter which survived and came out victorious. Of course, she had told them about the trials, but neither pup had realized yet what it would do to them. They could not understand until they had caused it… That was the way of her people. And, after hours of training, they would murder their siblings, changing their views on the world permanently. At any rate, after a few slow hours they finally came up on Kershov who had an interesting bite wound on one of his front limbs, she decided that today was as good of a time as any to announce the trials. Especially since the whole pack would be present. Still silent, she took a seat across from him, and gestured for each of her pups to sit on either side of her. Athene had never thanked him for returning Gwyneira to her… And likely never would. But she now nuzzled the little girl briefly, in an uncharacteristic public display of affection, and then she glanced up at him and gave him the smallest of smiles.

|| Belongs to Herself || Gwyneira, Sergei, Bellerophon, Gwenllian || Uyaraut ||


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