Re(4): Winchester M.L.

Haha!!! Katchaya, I think you and I would get along great.You are a funny lady! I don't judge people, I sin every day - we all do..
I just know as a Christian I'm forgiven by God's grace.And while I can't say mountain lions are more important than my religion I can say they sure are a lot of fun! And that's what this board is about,nt religion or politics. I,too am very excited about.their assessment of the pawprint looking like a M.L.'s ! We're making progress!Thanks forthat article,Rocker. When they interviewed the guy on the news who said the guy saw a fisher cat I laughed! No doubt the two saw two entirely different animals. And according to your article,Rocker he's not the only one to claim to have seen a M.L.Now let's just hope. it goes off somwhere else before someone decides to shoot it
Exciting indeed!


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