At the densest section of the forest, there is a brief clearing where a steady flow of water streams down the slippery stone staircase. The water here is cool and refreshing. Staircase Falls has been rumoured to be the place where reality is met by magic; where peaceful spirits dwell. They are rumoured to have healing powers that are used to help the desperately hurt, though no one has experienced this, except for, perhaps, Kaive.


Loyal Til Death

Kalgalath smiled at her chuckle, and her words about pack life. “I would expect nothing less of you Leila. Should Aurora Borealis prove to be the one you choose, I will be overjoyed. Should it not be a perfect fit for you and you choose another pack, I shall still enjoy the gift of your friendship. Should you choose to live on your own and not in a pack, well that shall change nothing either.” Kalgalath’s icy gaze remained glued to the sky, the clouds moving quickly. The storm would not fall upon them. A sigh escaped his maw. It was good to not have to worry about a major thunderstorm overhead, especially while he was relaxing in an open area by water. Being hit by lightning was not one of the things of Kal’s to-do list today. Still, the storm had caused the temperature to drop a few degrees and the brute was glad that his coat had been dried quickly by the sun. Getting sick was also not on his list of things to-do.

His blue orbs flicked to Leila, noticing how intently she was watching him. A chuckle escaped his maw as her face softened with a poorly hiding grin at his accusation. Kalgalath winked at the fae. “I would consider my accusation to be a fairly accurate one. You…”…And then the new nickname that escaped from the fae’s kissers reached his twin towers. “Kal-pal!?” The name was the most ridiculous term he had ever heard, making his normal nickname comical. The brute felt a hefty laugh building up in his abdomen, and when it was released, it knocked him over onto his side. His laughter continued for a few moments, until the brute could no longer breath, his grey coat shaking with the release of each harrumph. He took a few deep breaths to recover from his episode, and rolled upside-down, his tongue lolling out. His icy gaze rolls, his view of the fae now inverted. “That, indeed, is a name I have never been called. We most definitely are friends Leila, and I dearly value our friendship.” But then he saw the fae’s smile fade, and his auditories picked up her sigh, so he rolled over and sat up on his chest, becoming more stoic and focusing on her.

Leila told a shortened tale over her past and her family, before asking him why he had come here. “I do apologize that your childhood was so controlled. My own childhood was a happy one. My parents were the alphas, but I decided that their pack was not where I belonged. It never felt right, so I left. I found Blossom Forest here about two years ago and joined Munashii Gekko as I told you, but it wasn’t quite right. I left to try to find somewhere I belonged, but my paws led me back here. I picked up Kong’s scent, and I guess that it how I came to belong to Aurora Borealis.” The brute fell silent, realizing how much he had spoken. He had tried to keep his story short, but even the shortened version was on the long side due to his many changes in venue.


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