Re(2): Granby Photos IP: Posted on February 5, 2013 at 00:10:29 AM by weather01089
I on first look came up bobcat, but after seeing those original pics, and doing some enhancement work, thats not a bobcat. Don't forget that town and locale are not very far from the quabbin, where DNA has been confirmed in the past, and tracks at one point. The tail is visible and its definately more than 8-9 inches or so, even if you assume the vague part of it isnt tail. The witnesses said 2-3 ft, and I believe them. There has been one biologist that has weighed in as a cougar already. Of course, MassWildlife said bobcat. I attempted to speak to them about the details we found today, but they refused to comment. Research is going to be done in that area.