Re(1): Granby Photos Update IP: Posted on February 13, 2013 at 02:29:39 AM by weather01089
Hi, I went onsite today to check this location out. Its about 6-7 air miles from where the quabbin DNA confirmation was made in 1997, and the tracks were confirmed in 2011. The pictures are authentic, taken at that location. 4 people saw it at the same time, all saw a 2-3 ft tail on the cat. The pictures were taken using digital zoom due to the distance the cat was away, and no more detail is available other than whats out there now. The observers are familiar with bobcats. This cat has some features that favor a cougar, namely facial detail, big legs, and big paws. The tail is believed to be visible in a couple of the pics, but cannot make out the length. Its definately hanging on the ground. After talking with everyone there, a couple of past kill sites were described in the area. Deer remains with a hoof and lower leg, and ribcage area were found. A tree cache was also found in past years. Habitat is right, and the area has plentiful deer. Tracks were found but no cat tracks at least today in the limited time I had to look. Several wildlife guru's have looked at this and say its a juvenile cougar. Mass Wildlife says its a bobcat, and that you can see facial features that make it so. I personally have never seen a bobcat with a face that looks like that. The black "moustache" features of a cougar appear to be there. More research on that area needs to take place. There was a report to the local police from two joggers that said they saw a "mountain lion" in the last couple of weeks as well. Keep eyes open! If this is a juvenile, clearly adults are around. Its been estimated by one wildlife guy as being 10-12 months old. If so, mom is very likely not far! Its in the finding its own independence stage. Replies: