Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Waiting... For an awfully big adventure.

A confused mask appeared on the girl’s face as the Abendrot warrior stiffened at her approach. From all the things she had heard about the pack, she thought that the varg would have turned immediately and bitten her head off- literally. The only movement was a slight flick of the ear at the chuffing, but nothing more than that. This grabbed the girl’s curiosity even more- was this wolf the only nice inhabitant of Abendrot. Had she discovered a rebel to the ranks? It would soon become apparent what lay deep within the stranger’s heart.

Even with the question entering the air, the mysterious other stayed quiet. Deep inside the ess willed the other to speak, wanting to know more about the vixen she had discovered. She wanted to know more about the fearsome pack without being so nosy as to get herself in trouble. After all she wouldn’t want to start a war between packs- that was if she would survive an attack from a trained assassin. It appeared that the girl wasn’t going to have to wait long as the stranger turned, her face holding an unruffled mask. Her lyrics were sweet and sickly and the ess couldn’t help but feel that maybe this adventure wouldn’t turn out the way she had hoped.

’I could ask the same of you, little bird.’ The russet teen flickered her ears to the lyrics that had erupted from the strangers mouth. Little Bird? What was that supposed to mean? Yes, Dib may be disabled and look sweet and innocent but she wouldn’t let anyone push her around and if they were looking for a fight, the by golly they would get one. The other lass turned her cranium slightly revealing dark hues, her claws unsheathing from their covers. Smiling once again, Dib kept her voice cool and unthreatening. ”I assure you there is no need for that. I’m not here to start a fight so you’d need not worry.”

It was clear that the older femme wasn’t quite used to others being nice to her. Dib supposed that living in a pack like Abendrot would cause you to be that way, but surely you would be able to control yourself and lead others into a false sense of security. However that trick would not work on the teen, she had long since sussed the mind games that others could play and had become immune to certain players. Not wanting to stare to long at the femme, the teen turned her head over the scenery keeping her eyes wide and ears upright and alert. She didn’t want to seem vulnerable and leave herself open for attack, but didn’t want to start a battle.

Allowing her thoughts to creep in ever so slightly, the vixen wondered what would happen if the two did lock jaws and began a fight. Would Saw Tooth and their alliances come running to the rescue or would Abendrot get to them first. Of course with a gammy leg the girl wouldn’t be able to fight for long and would probably lose the fight but she would sure put everything into extending her life. Speaking of which, Dib lifted her twisted leg off the floor tucking it once again under her chest. She had leant on it for far too long and a series of pains shot through the useless limb. Lowering her cranium down towards the ground the ’little bird’ licked tenderly at the leg, hoping to force the pains out of it. Lifting her head up once more, she turned to face the stranger once more watching and waiting patiently for the next series of events.


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