Misty Mountain is opposite of Rainbow Cliff. Mists hover year-round at this high altitude, mistaken by some to be thin clouds. Thin layers of snow cover the mountain, making some areas slippery and hazardous.

Some think it romantic, a place to bring their mates, while others come to play and romp. However, all must agree that there is some level of mystery and spookiness hovering about with the mists...


Run, If You Intend To Survive {Dib/xhollowremainsONLY}

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I like the way you think, Lady Aerten. Kershov's words rang in her ears as excitement pulsed through her very being; soon she'd be a warrior of Abentrot. It wasn't happiness she felt. That emotion was foreign to her, no it was more of a twisted version of anticipation. Anticipating the blood that would splatter her already russet pelt, the cries of the enemies who would fall.

Aerten had already witness much death at a young age. With her mother dying at a young age, she was left alone with only her sister for comfort. Had anyone been close enough to the femme to care, they would have seen all the warning signs developing; Aerten wasn't exactly sane. Soon after this began to occur, she left her sister to whatever death the wilderness would throw at her; the other female was weak, deserved to die. Only the strongest would survive. Since then, the feya's paws had been soaked in much blood. That was the way her world worked.

And now, here she sat, the memories that had once tormented her, now filling her with a sense of pride. She had survived this far, hadn't she? Look at what she had achieved! Soon, very soon, more battles would be coming her way, and Aerten would do what she did best; pick apart the situation and the wolves involved apart until nothing was left. She'd collect information that could potentially bring other packs to their knees. The future was glorious.

Her dark hues glanced around, pulling the femme fatale momentarily out of her gory musings. She had come up here so she could be alone, with her ever racing mind. She lived to serve, and the best way to utilize that ability was to be ready for anything. Both of the russet ears flicked a little; surely no one would be stupid enough to follow her up here.

She'd hate for the bloodshed to start early.

||Aerten|| Abentrot ||Mateless||Pupless||3||PixieEclipse||


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